Dear MAJU Supporters,

On this MERDEKA DAY, we welcome you to our MAJU BLOG – exclusive to MAJU Supporters only. 

Firstly, thank you for being a Supporter. Thank you for standing by the courage of your conviction, putting your name down where it counts. To stand together as brothers and sisters Malaysians.  

The MAJU founding members, made up of common vision friends with our Founder came together more than a year ago to plan, establish and register MAJU. Set up office, our website, process and procedures in strict compliance to financial controls required of a registered Foundation. MAJU did not appear out of thin air. It has been a long journey of hard work, personal funding, and determination. The launch on the 28th August 2019 is just the beginning. And today we have all of you with us. Again, THANK YOU. 

Progress comes in either incremental or step change. The American Revolution in 1775 gave Americans a nation of their own, so did Merdeka.  Still, it did not free slaves or gave women the right to vote. The American civil war of 1861, almost a hundred years later, gave blacks their freedom but it still did not give them equality.  It took the civil rights act of 1964 to give them that equality. Women’s right to vote came only via the 19th constitutional amendment of 1920. 

So, as you can see, progress is a continuous process.  History has also shown that democratic progresses are not led by politicians. Slavery proponents came from the abolitionist movement, women vote from the women’s suffrage movement and black equality via the civil rights movement. No politicians started out in the forefront of these movements all throughout history. 

Reform will have to come from us, the progressive citizens of this Nation in an organized fashion, putting pressure and demanding change and making our presence always felt including at elections. 

Whilst we may think political governance and legislation is the endgame in any reformation, it does not constitute the whole process. It is just one of the ways reform is achieved. But getting there, speaking out on issues loudly and concertedly, strategically implementing campaigns of reforms, making sure the right candidate with the right agenda is elected and continuing engagement with elected representatives and government bureaucracy forms the whole spectrum of citizen reform movement. The work of perfecting this federation that we call Malaysia is a continuous one for all of us at MAJU.  

May 9th has conclusively showed us that progressives, liberals and moderates can make big political change – if we work together. Make no mistake, GE14 was turned by almost 100% non-Malay and liberal Malay votes, not just in peninsula but also importantly Sabah and Sarawak. It was an election won by liberals and progressives of this Nation. And this points us the way. 

Our Malaysian Action for Justice and Unity, MAJU, will be an all-encompassing platform to unite progressive citizens of all races and religious background, network and organize on causes that will bring us towards this aim of reforms based on liberal, moderate and progressive values. We have a bold agenda at MAJU. We will be deliberate and strategic. In a nutshell, at MAJU we institutionalize progressive agenda.

We are not just any other NGO working on a narrow cause. Our activities are a means to and end. We want to change the social, economic, education and political discourse and build the roadmap and the endgame of this Nation. The endgame being a progressive, liberal, moderate and scientifically educated modern Malaysia. 

To do that we need real Malaysian citizens to back us up. To stand together with us as Supporters. No longer faceless and anonymous but proud to embrace being liberals, moderates and progressives, and just Malaysians. We want Supporters to stand by the courage of their conviction and put their name and money where their mouths are. These is the reason for our method of having SUPPORTERS the way it is when you register. 

It is time to be counted. The more we are the more we count. The powers that be cannot ignore us anymore. 

Please help us get 10 of your friends/family members to join MAJU as Supporters and for them to get others to join as Supporters. Time to organize and stand together in an uncompromising voice and demand a progressive Nation. We will MAJU together for Malaysia. 

Thank You.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood web-spinner

Mr. 007 


Watch out for Events coming up. We will be announcing our first dates for:

The MAJU Civil Liberties Road Show and in conjunction with the launch and the welcome of the new decade 2020 – the MAJU SUPPORTERS Dinner Convention! 

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